Ethical Framework
The HEN Ethical Framework was developed between 2016-2020 and was adopted by the HEN Leadership Team in July 2020. This Framework represents the desire for the Hakomi community to create and nurture a supportive and safe environment to promote effective therapy and training.
We want to acknowledge the richness and mystery of human relationships and because of this, we wanted to create a framework, that like Hakomi, seeks to be a response to complex human motivations and the power of the non-conscious.
Click on a button below to download a copy of the HEN Ethical Framework in your preferred language
(more translations coming soon)

Embodied Ethical Personhood
HEN Ethics developed the Embodied Ethical Personhood Training based on knowledge from Hakomi, Right Use of Power and Non-Violent Communication.
Training has started with Trainers & HEN volunteers and will follow with Teachers & Practitioners
The EEP Core Training is two 2-day workshops of 8-12 participants
The HEN Embodied Ethical Personhood (EEP) Training is an invitation for the HEN Community to:
Actively engage in the application of the HEN Ethical principles
Embody a deepening of our Hakomi principles (making explicit what we have learned implicitly)
Be aware of, and skilled in, how we stand in relation to power
Ask for, offer and use feedback wisely as a way to support each other
Develop skills to welcome courageous conversations and opening to conflict as an opportunity for growth
Courageous Conversations
The HEN Ethical Framework is an invitation to be in relationship with the Hakomi Principles and our own engagement with ethical behaviour. As well the framework outlines an informal process to support conflict, and a formal process to manage ethical dilemmas.
The Informal Process is called Courageous Conversations and is facilitated by trained volunteers who are Hakomi members. Courageous Conversations are offered to HEN members (become a HEN member here).
The processes can be reviewed in the Ethical Framework.
Courageous Conversations are supported by volunteers who generously offer their valuable time. Please only begin this process if you have exhausted the other suggested avenues detailed in the Ethical Framework or if you feel unsafe to do so.
Thank you for honouring your own needs and the needs of the process.

Ethics Circle
The HEN Ethical Framework outlines a formal process to help manage ethical dilemmas that may arise. At the centre of this process is the HEN Ethics Circle which is a team made up of 5 HEN members ranging from advanced students to trainers from different parts of the world. When an issue is presented (by email), they will decide together which process, informal or formal, will be utilized to support the conflict or issue. If a formal process is warranted, the Ethics Circle will follow the process outlined in the Ethical Framework.
The Ethics Circle is made up of volunteers who generously offer their valuable time to support the formal process. Please only begin this process if you have exhausted the other suggestions mentioned above in Courageous Conversations (also detailed in the Ethical Framework) or if you feel unsafe to do so.
Thank you for honouring your own needs and the needs of the process.